How to form your own MBN Kayak club! (And traditional clubs too!)

Are you interested in creating an MBN kayak club?  The process is easy. –          Step #1, Find at least 5 of your friends that would like to form a club. –          Step #2. If not already a member of BASS, join.  Here’s a link o**BMLL1 –          Step #3, Create a BASS Nation club via the BASS website.  Here’s…

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State Lake Protection and Restoration Fund

At the October BBAS meeting Mike Naylor with the Department of Natural Resources outlined a program called the State Lake Protection and Restoration Fund. This is an annual 1 million dollar per year investment towards the improvement of these state owned lakes that will be funded for at least the next three years. The state…

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Maryland B.A.S.S. Nation Announces the MBN Kayak Division

At the January 2020 Maryland B.A.S.S. Nation executive board meeting, the board unanimously voted to create and support a new MBN Kayak Division. This effort supports and is in conjunction with the broader B.A.S.S. newly formed kayak tournament trail. See link: Later this year on September 12th, there will be a Maryland B.A.S.S. Nation…

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